Nazeer Hospital

Detailed Guide on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Updated on June 19, 2023
Understanding Urinary Tract Infection

What is a Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?

Millions worldwide suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs), among the most prevalent bacterial infections. Each area of the urinary system, including the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra, might develop a UTI. Women are more likely than males to experience UTIs, which, if ignored, can lead to discomfort and possibly major health issues.
Any component of the urinary system that has a UTI due to bacterial infection. The urethra, ureters, kidneys, and bladder are possible locations. The most common cause of UTIs is bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract, which can also result in symptoms like lower abdomen pain, frequent urine urges, and pain and burning during urination.
Because UTI is a widespread health issue that affects many people, particularly women, understanding it is essential. When left untreated, UTIs can be extremely uncomfortable and complicate matters. Furthermore, it’s critical to comprehend the risk factors and prevention strategies because specific groups, including pregnant women, are more vulnerable to having UTIs. By being aware of UTIs, people can take preventative measures to ward off and cure them and lower the likelihood of complications.
Any portion of the urinary system, including the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra, can get infected with bacteria, resulting in a UTI. UTIs can produce various symptoms, including lower abdomen pain, burning and pain during urination, and frequent urination urges, and are more common in women than males.

How Urinary Tract Infection is Often Mistaken as Stomach Ache?

UTI infection can occasionally be confused with other medical illnesses such as stomachaches, backaches, or menstrual cramps. This is because UTI symptoms often resemble those of other disorders, making it difficult for many people to recognize the warning signals of a UTI. But let’s say you also have symptoms like the need to urinate frequently or in pain. In that situation, seeing a doctor rule out a UTI or other medical issues is critical.

Referred Pain in UTI

One typical UTI symptom is referred pain. It happens when pain is experienced elsewhere other than the place of the body where the infection lies. For instance, lower back or pelvic pain might be brought on by a UTI in the bladder. It can be difficult to pinpoint the precise area of the infection due to referred pain, so it is crucial to get medical help immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Causes of UTI

Escherichia coli (E. coli), which can enter the urethra and ascend to the bladder or kidneys, is a type of digestive system bacterium that frequently causes UTIs. Risk factors of UTI include

Difference between Urinary Tract Infection and Bladder Infection

Any bacterial infection of the urinary tract is referred to as a UTI, including infections of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. Cystitis, sometimes known as a bladder infection, is a bacterial infection of the bladder. While UTI and bladder infections have pain and burning when urinating, a bladder infection often has more regional symptoms like pelvic pain and lower stomach discomfort.

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

Depending on the individual and the intensity of the infection, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause various symptoms. UTIs frequently cause the following symptoms:
It’s important to remember that some people, particularly in the initial stages of infection, cannot exhibit any symptoms. Furthermore, a UTI’s symptoms may be mistaken for other illnesses, such vaginal infections or sexually transmitted diseases. See a healthcare professional for a precise diagnosis and the best course of action if you think you might have a UTI.

Urinary Tract Infection Causes

Bacteria can enter the urethra and go up to the kidneys, bladder, and ureters, which is how urinary tract infections (UTIs) are typically brought on. Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacteria that usually dwell in the colon but can occasionally move to the urinary system, is the most frequent cause of UTIs.
Other types of bacteria that can cause UTIs include:
In addition to bacterial infections, UTIs can also be caused by other factors, including:
To select the best course of action and stop further infections, it is crucial to understand the origin of a UTI.

Body Factors:

Some bodily variables may make people more susceptible to UTIs, particularly in women. These include hormonal changes that can alter the vaginal environment and make it more favorable to bacteria, having a shorter urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to migrate up to the bladder, and other factors. Some women may also develop UTIs linked to sexual activity.

Birth Control:

Certain types of birth control, such as spermicides or diaphragms, can increase the risk of UTIs by altering the balance of bacteria in the vaginal area. Hormonal birth control methods such as the pill or the patch do not have the same effect on the vaginal environment.

Abnormal Anatomy:

Abnormalities in the urinary tract can make it more susceptible to infections. For example, blocked or narrow urethra, urinary tract obstructions, or urinary catheters can all increase the risk of UTIs.

Immune System:

A weakened immune system can make it more difficult for the body to fight infections, including UTIs. Certain medical conditions that suppress the immune system, such as HIV/AIDS or diabetes, and medications that affect the immune system, such as chemotherapy, can increase the risk of UTIs.

UTI Medicines:

Various antibiotics are frequently utilized to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Among the most frequently recommended drugs for UTIs are:
It’s vital to understand that an antibiotic selection will depend on the kind and severity of the infection, the patient’s medical history, and any allergies they may have. Speaking with a healthcare professional is crucial to find the best course of action for treating a urinary tract infection. To ensure that the infection is completely treated and avoid the development of antibiotic resistance, it’s also crucial to finish the entire course of antibiotics as directed, even if your symptoms improve.

UTI Diagnosis and Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Diagnosing a UTI usually involves:
Antibiotics are frequently used to treat UTIs and are administered based on the type of bacteria involved and the severity of the symptoms. Even when symptoms improve, it’s crucial to finish the entire course of antibiotics to stop the infection from returning.
Increased water intake, frequent urination, and over-the-counter painkillers are examples of home treatments that may help reduce symptoms but should not be used in place of medical care.
Aside from antibiotics, several UTI-specific drugs, like phenazopyridine, can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms, including burning and urgency when urinating.
Getting medical assistance for a UTI as soon as possible is critical to avoid problems like kidney damage and repeated infections.
UTI Prevention

Home Remedies for a Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

A UTI can have several symptoms that can be treated at home, but it’s important to remember that these treatments shouldn’t be used in place of medical care. The following natural cures could be helpful:

Drink plenty of water:

Drinking enough water helps to flush out bacteria from your urinary tract, which can help relieve UTI symptoms.

Cranberry juice:

Cranberry juice contains compounds that can help prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of your urinary tract. However, it’s important to note that cranberry juice should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

Heat therapy:

Applying a heating pad or a warm compress to your lower abdomen can help relieve UTI pain and discomfort.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help promote urinary tract health. Eating foods high in probiotics, such as yogurt and kefir, may help prevent UTIs.
Avoid irritating foods and beverages: Alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods are just a few examples of foods and beverages that might irritate your urinary tract and exacerbate UTI symptoms. By avoiding them, you may be able to reduce your symptoms.
It’s crucial to remember that getting medical attention is ideal when you suspect a UTI. Delaying medical care can result in more severe problems.

After Treatment:

Following a UTI treatment, monitoring your symptoms, and adhering to any further advice your doctor gives is critical. Within a few days of beginning antibiotic treatment, symptoms are frequently relieved. To remove the infection, taking the medication as directed for the entire specified term is crucial.
Let’s say that despite receiving treatment, the symptoms persist or get worse. Following up with the healthcare professional in that situation is crucial to rule out any more potential underlying diseases or consequences.
Maintaining excellent hygiene habits, such as wiping from front to back after using the restroom, urinating before and after sexual activity, and avoiding irritants like douches and feminine hygiene sprays, are crucial for preventing future UTIs. UTIs can also be avoided by drinking enough water and limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine.
A medical professional might suggest probiotics, cranberry supplements, or further preventive measures for people who have recurring UTIs, such as a long-term low-dose antibiotic program. To avoid complications and maintain general urinary tract health, monitoring symptoms regularly and adhering to the healthcare practitioner’s advice are crucial.

UTI and Specific Populations:

Although UTIs are a prevalent ailment that can affect both men and women, some populations are more susceptible to them than others. Below are some details about UTIs in both men and women, as well as in pregnant women.

Urinary Tract Infection Men:

How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy:

Chronic UTIs:

What are Chronic UTIs?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) that repeat or persist over time, often more than three times per year, are called chronic UTIs. Several conditions, such as bacterial resistance, inadequate treatment of prior infections, aberrant anatomy of the urinary tract, or a weakened immune system, can bring on these infections.

Causes of Chronic UTIs:

A healthcare professional may request a urine culture and sensitivity test to diagnose chronic UTIs. This test helps to pinpoint the precise bacterium that is infected and helps to choose the best medication to treat the infection. It is also possible to perform imaging tests to look for urinary tract anomalies, such as a renal ultrasound or CT scan.

Treatment Options for Chronic UTIs:

Chronic UTIs can be treated with preventive antibiotics daily to avoid infection or long-term antibiotic therapy, usually for several months. Individuals with recurrent UTIs may also be counseled to adjust their lifestyles to lower their risk of infection. These modifications may include drinking more water and maintaining good cleanliness. When anatomical irregularities in the urinary tract cause recurring infections, surgery may be required to rectify them.

UTI Prevention:

Risk Factors for UTI

The following are some common risk factors for UTI:

Female Anatomy

Women have a shorter urethra than men, which makes it simpler for bacteria to enter the bladder, making them more susceptible to UTIs.

Sexual Activity

By introducing bacteria into the urinary system, sexual activity raises the risk of UTI.


Due to changes in the urinary tract brought on by the drop in estrogen levels, postmenopausal women are more likely to acquire UTIs.

Urinary Catheterization

Individuals who have urinary catheters are more likely to get a UTI.

Anomalies of the Urinary Tract

Anomalies of the urinary tract, such as blockages or structural issues, might make it simpler for bacteria to thrive and result in a UTI.

Immune System Issues

Individuals with weakened immune systems due to diseases or medications are more susceptible to UTIs.


People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing UTIs due to high glucose levels in their urine.


Not drinking enough water can lead to concentrated urine, irritating the bladder, and increasing the risk of UTI.
Certain types of birth control: Some types, such as diaphragms and spermicides, can increase the risk of UTI.

Ways to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs can be prevented by taking certain precautions, including:
It is important to note that while these measures may reduce the risk of UTIs, they are not foolproof, and some individuals may still develop UTIs despite taking preventive measures.
Signs and Symptoms of UTI

Common Bacteria Causing UTI:

Five common bacteria that might cause UTIs are listed below:

Types of UTI Bacteria

There are two main types of UTI bacteria:

Lower UTI Bacteria

These bacteria, which include E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus, cause infections of the bladder and urethra.

Upper UTI Bacteria

These bacteria, which include Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis, several strains of E. coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae, cause kidney infections.
Common Bacteria Causing UTI


The bladder, urethra, and kidneys are all affected by the common bacterial illness known as a urinary tract infection (UTI). Inflammation and discomfort are brought on by bacteria that enter and grow in the urinary tract.
Urination that is severe and frequent, lower abdomen pain, and fever are common signs of UTI. The use of specific forms of birth control, being a woman, having an atypical anatomy of the urinary tract, and having a compromised immune system are all risk factors for UTI.
Physical examination, urine analysis, and a urine culture can all identify UTIs. Antibiotics, DIY methods, and UTI drugs are available as treatments. To ensure that the infection is entirely eliminated, taking the antibiotics for the full recommended duration is crucial.
Chronic UTIs can develop when UTIs are not completely treated or when there are underlying medical issues. Chronic UTIs can be treated with prolonged antibiotic courses, surgery to rectify anatomical anomalies, or immunotherapy to strengthen the immune system.
UTIs can be prevented by drinking plenty of water, frequent peeing, wiping after using the restroom from front to back, and avoiding irritants such as perfumed items.
For prompt and successful infection management, it is crucial to understand the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments of UTIs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to flush out a UTI can change depending on the infection’s severity and the patient’s response to therapy. The typical duration of antibiotics for a UTI is 3–7 days, and symptoms may start to subside after one or two days. Even if your symptoms improve, you should still finish the prescribed course of antibiotics to ensure the infection is completely treated and to avoid the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
Drinking plenty of water, abstaining from coffee and alcohol, and using over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen are some natural therapies that may help ease the symptoms of a UTI. However, a UTI often needs antibiotics to be effectively treated, so it’s crucial to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and course of action.
Healthcare professionals may physically examine an adult to diagnose a UTI and get a urine sample for testing. This could involve a urine dipstick test to find bacteria, white blood cells, and other things in pee. A urine culture may occasionally be conducted to pinpoint the precise strain of bacteria causing the infection and select the most suitable antibiotic therapy.

There are numerous causes of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). The following are some frequent causes of UTIs that can raise risk:

  • Female anatomy: Compared to men, women have shorter urethras, making it simpler for bacteria to enter the bladder and cause an infection.
  • Sexual activity: By introducing bacteria into the urethra, sexual activity increases the risk of UTIs.
  • Abnormalities of the urinary tract’s structural makeup, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, can facilitate the growth of bacteria and the development of infections.
  • Immune system compromise: A compromised immune system might make it more difficult for the body to fight illnesses.
  • Usage of specific birth control methods: Spermicides and diaphragms are two methods linked to an increased risk of UTIs.

Discussing your recurring UTI symptoms with a healthcare professional to identify the underlying reason and create a suitable treatment strategy is crucial.


Dr. Kamran Ullah

Being an enthusiastic and well-trained entry-level physician who seeks to provide high-quality health care to help maximize patients’ well-being and facility profitability. Very resourceful and compassionate familiar with diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases and health concerns.

DR. KAMRAN graduated from Khyber Medical University Peshawar. He has working experience at Rehman Medical Institute Peshawar, Agha Khan Hospital Karachi, PIMS Hospital Islamabad, and Mega Medical Complex Rawalpindi.

He has vast knowledge and experience and skills in the medical field. He is a highly dedicated and devoted doctor. He has worked on different medical research and published different research articles.

He is also a social activist and runs different social welfare organisations for the last 7 years, serving humanity and the needy. His main expertise are in the management of critically ill patients, patient care, health care quality, and safety.

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